
  • 拘泥细节的人
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pissant (n.)
1660s, "an ant," from first element of pismire (q.v.) + ant. Meaning "contemptible, insignificant person" is from 1903.
"[B]y sun-down [the gals] come pourin out of the woods like pissants out of an old log when tother end's afire." ["Dick Harlan's Tennessee Frolic," in collection "A Quarter Race in Kentucky," Philadelphia, 1846]
1. This is a pissant little job; I won't take it.
这个无聊的小差事, 我不会干的. -n.讨厌的家伙,懦弱的人.


2. Some pissant Texas court wants to make [ the company ] pay. more than $ 10 billion in reparations ( New Republic )
某个过于一丝不苟的得克萨斯法庭要求 [ 公司 ] 支出超过100亿美元的赔偿新共和国 )


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