
英 [skɒn; skəʊn] 美 [skɑn]
  • n. (英)烤饼;司康饼
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scone 烤饼

可能缩写自荷兰语 schoon brood,字面意思为漂亮的面包,来自 schoon,精细的,漂亮的,词 源同 shine,sheen,-brood,面包,词源同 bread.

scone: [16] The word scone first appeared in Scottish English, and does not seem to have made any significant headway south of the border until the 19th century (helped on its way, no doubt, by that great proselytizer of Scottish vocabulary, Sir Walter Scott). It was borrowed from Dutch schoonbrood ‘fine white bread’, a compound formed from schoon ‘beautiful, bright, white’ (first cousin to German schön ‘beautiful’ and related to English sheen and show) and brood ‘bread’.
=> sheen, show
scone (n.)
"thin, flat soft cake," 1510s, Scottish, probably shortened from Dutch schoon brood "fine bread," from Middle Dutch schoonbroot, from schoon, scone "bright, beautiful" (see sheen) + broot (see bread (n.)).
1. The griddle scone forms a sub - variety of the scone.
架子烤出来的 scone 是种子品种.


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