
英 美 ['skɛptɪk]
  • n. 怀疑论者;怀疑者;无神论者
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1、skept- + -ic.
skeptic 怀疑论者,怀疑者

来自拉丁语 scepticus,怀疑学派,字面意思即 the sect of Skeptics,古希腊时期的一个学术派别, 来自希腊语 skeptikos,怀疑的,思考的,来自 skeptesthai,看,思考,词源同 scope,telescope. 引申词义怀疑论者,怀疑者。

skeptic (n.)
also sceptic, 1580s, "member of an ancient Greek school that doubted the possibility of real knowledge," from Middle French sceptique and directly from Latin scepticus "the sect of the Skeptics," from Greek skeptikos (plural Skeptikoi "the Skeptics, followers of Pyrrho"), noun use of adjective meaning "inquiring, reflective" (the name taken by the disciples of the Greek philosopher Pyrrho, who lived c. 360-c. 270 B.C.E.), related to skeptesthai "to reflect, look, view" (see scope (n.1)).
Skeptic does not mean him who doubts, but him who investigates or researches as opposed to him who asserts and thinks that he has found. [Miguel de Unamuno, "Essays and Soliloquies," 1924]
The extended sense of "one with a doubting attitude" first recorded 1610s. The sk- spelling is an early 17c. Greek revival and is preferred in U.S. As a verb, scepticize (1690s) failed to catch on.
1. She is a skeptic about the dangers of global warming.


2. The slender skeptic skips school in slack seasons, which signifies her slackness.
一到淡季那个苗条的怀疑者就逃学, 这表现了她的懒散.


3. I agree with the skeptic at this point : the change of calendar is an arbitrary conventionalism.
我和 无神论 者们一样,认为更换日历是一种专制的传统.


4. How am I going to convince this skeptic that she should attention to my research?
我将如何使怀疑论者确信他要关注我的研究 呢 ?


5. He is a perspicacious skeptic who makes no claim to be able to explain the world.


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