
英 ['tæbəd; -ɑːd] 美 ['tæbɚd]
  • n. 传令官短袖制服;粗呢大衣;(古时武士穿在铠甲外的绣有纹章的)无袖外罩
  • n. (Tabard)人名;(法)塔巴尔
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tabard 古代武士穿在铠甲外的无袖短袍,传令官制服

来自古法语 tabart,无袖短袍,可能来自拉丁语 tapete,布条,布料,词源同 tape,tapestry.

tabard (n.)
c. 1300 (late 13c. as a surname), from Old French tabart "simple sleeveless overtunic," also "heavy overmantel" (12c.), of unknown origin; Diez suggests Latin tapete "figured cloth." Compare Medieval Latin tabardum, early Spanish tabardo, Italian tabarro. Originally a coarse, sleeveless upper garment worn by peasants and others who worked out-of-doors; later a knight's surcoat (hence the name of the tavern in "Canterbury Tales").
1. Lost tabards ( one time quest rewards ) may now be restored by visiting a tabard vendor.
失去的公会徽章 ( 一次性任务奖励 ) 现在可以从徽章商人处再次得到.


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