
英 ['heɪvə] 美
  • vi. 胡说八道,说废话;消磨时间
  • n. 废话,多嘴;同事
  • n. (Haver)人名;(德、瑞典、英)哈弗
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haver 燕麦


haver (n.1)
"oats," Northern English, late 13c., probably from Old Norse hafre, from Proto-Germanic *habron- (cognates: Old Norse hafri, Old Saxon havoro, Dutch haver, Old High German habaro, German Haber, Hafer). Buck suggests it is perhaps literally "goat-food" and compares Old Norse hafr "he-goat." "Haver is a common word in the northern countries for oats." [Johnson]
haver (n.2)
"owner, possessor," late 14c., agent noun from have.
1. Don't haver that you are a wealthy man, because you still owe me money.
别睁著眼睛说瞎话你是富裕的人, 因为你还欠我钱.


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