
英 ['kɪbɪts] 美 ['kɪbɪts]
  • vi. 多管闲事;乱插嘴
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kibitz 乱出主意,多管闲事


kibitz (v.)
1927, from Yiddish kibitsen "to offer gratuitous advice as an outsider," from German kiebitzen "to look on at cards, to kibitz," originally in thieves' cant "to visit," from Kiebitz, name of a shore bird (European pewit, lapwing) with a folk reputation as a meddler, from Middle High German gibitz "pewit," imitative of its cry. Young lapwings are proverbially precocious and active, and were said to run around with half-shells still on their heads soon after hatching.
1. Workers gathered to munch, gossip, kibitz, laugh.
员工们聚拢来,大嚼, 闲话, 抢话,大笑.


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