
英 ['dʒuːlep] 美 ['dʒulɛp]
  • n. (美)冰镇薄荷酒;糖浆药水
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julep 甜药酒,草药饮料,玫瑰露


julep (n.)
late 14c., a syrupy drink in which medicine was given, from Old French julep (14c.), from Medieval Latin julapium, from Arabic julab, from Persian gulab "rose water," from gul "rose" (related to Greek rhodon, Latin rosa) + ab "water," from PIE root *ap- (2) "water" (see water (n.1)). Sense of "alcoholic drink flavored with mint" is first recorded 1787, American English.
1. Call up and order some ice for the mint julep. "
打个电话要点冰来做薄荷酒. ”

来自英汉文学 - 盖茨比

2. " Open the whiskey, Tom,'she ordered, " and I'll make you a mint julep.
“ 打开威士忌, 汤姆, ” 她命令道, “ 我给你做一杯薄荷酒.

来自英汉文学 - 盖茨比

3. In julep cup, stir together club soda and sugar until sugar just begins to dissolve.
冰镇薄荷酒杯中, 搅拌苏打以及糖块直至糖开始熔解.


4. This drink is a rum julep made sourer with lime juice and stretched with soda water.


[ julep 造句 ]