
英 [,kɪnɪs'θetɪk] 美 [,kaɪnɪs'θɛtɪk]
  • adj. 动觉的(等于kinaesthetic);肌肉运动知觉的
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kinesthetic 运动感官的

由19世纪英国神经学专家Henry Charlton Bastian根据希腊语合成的一个词,来自kinein,运动,移动,词源同kinesis,aisthesis,感觉,知觉,词源同aesthetic,anesthetic,audience.

kinesthetic (adj.)
also kinaesthetic, "pertaining to kinesthesia," 1880, coined by British neurologist Henry Charlton Bastian (1837-1915) from Greek kinein "to move" (see cite) + aisthesis "sensation" (see anaesthesia). Perhaps on model of aesthetic, prosthetic.
1. Libra sees life as a pure mental exploration, while Cancer's experience is more tactile , more kinesthetic.
秤看人生仿佛是纯粹的精神领域的探索, 而蟹的经历则更为感性.


2. For the auditory, visual, kinesthetic and tactile, we should take full advantage of different cognitive styles.
听觉型-视觉型-动觉型-触觉型学习者, 训练策略应是充分发挥各自的认知优势, 因势利导.


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