ceaseyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[cease 词源字典]
cease: [14] Cease comes via Old French cesser from Latin cessāre ‘delay, stop’. This was derived from cessus, the past participle of cēdere ‘go away, withdraw, yield’, which was also the basis of cessation [14], from Latin cessātiō.
=> cessation[cease etymology, cease origin, 英语词源]
cease (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
c. 1300, cesen, from Old French cesser "to come to an end, stop, cease; give up, desist," from Latin cessare "to cease, go slow, give over, leave off, be idle," frequentative of cedere (past participle cessus) "go away, withdraw, yield" (see cede). Related: Ceased; ceasing. Old English in this sense had geswican, blinnan.
cease (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"cessation, stopping," c. 1300, from cease (n.) or else from Old French cesse "cease, cessation," from cesser.