stridentyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[strident 词源字典]
strident: [17] Strident was adopted from the present participle of Latin strīdēre ‘make a harsh noise, creak’. This also produced English stridulate [19], which denotes the sound made by grasshoppers.
=> stridulate[strident etymology, strident origin, 英语词源]
strident (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1650s, from French strident (16c.) and directly from Latin stridentem (nominative stridens), present participle of stridere "utter an inarticulate sound, grate, screech," from PIE *(s)trei-, possibly of imitative origin (cognates: Greek trismos "a grinding, scream"). Related: Stridently; stridence; stridency.