triumphyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[triumph 词源字典]
triumph: [14] Triumph comes via Old French triumphe from Latin triumphus, which denoted a ‘public celebration to welcome home a victorious general’. It was an alteration of Old Latin triumpus, which was probably borrowed from Greek thríambos ‘hymn to Bacchus’. The cards term trump is an alteration of triumph.
=> trump[triumph etymology, triumph origin, 英语词源]
triumph (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., "success in battle, conquest," also "spiritual victory" and "a procession celebrating victory in war," from Old French triumphe (12c., Modern French triomphe), from Latin triumphus "an achievement, a success; celebratory procession for a victorious general or admiral," from Old Latin triumpus, probably via Etruscan from Greek thriambos "hymn to Dionysus," a loan-word from a pre-Hellenic language.
triumph (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
mid-15c., from Old French triumpher (13c.), from Latin triumphare, from triumphus (see triumph (n.)). Related: Triumphed; triumphing.