vindicateyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[vindicate 词源字典]
vindicate: [16] Latin vindex meant ‘claimant, defender, avenger’. From it was derived vindicāre ‘claim, defend, revenge’, which gave English vindicate, as well as (via French) avenge [14], revenge [14], and vengeance [13]. Vindicāre in turn formed the basis of vindicta ‘vengeance’, from which English gets vindictive [17] and (via Italian) vendetta [19].
=> avenge, revenge, vendetta, vengeance, vindictive[vindicate etymology, vindicate origin, 英语词源]
vindicate (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1620s, "to avenge or revenge," from Latin vindicatus, past participle of vindicare "to stake a claim; to liberate; to act as avenger" (see vindication). Meaning "to clear from censure or doubt, by means of demonstration" is recorded from 1630s. Related: Vindicated, vindicating.