
英 [kɒ'keɪd] 美 [kɑ'ked]
  • n. 帽章,帽徽;帽上的花结
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cockade 帽章(显示军衔,政党身份等)

来自cock, 公鸡。字面意思即像公鸡一样趾高气扬的,傲慢的。

cockade (n.)
1709, earlier cockard (1650s), from French cocarde (16c.), fem. of cocard (Old French cocart) "foolishly proud, cocky," as a noun, "idiot, fool;" an allusive extension from coq (see cock (n.1)).
1. The red cap and tricolour cockade were universal , both among men and women.
他们无论男女,都一律戴着红便帽, 缀着三色帽徽.

来自英汉文学 - 双城记

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