
英 [nə'stɜːʃ(ə)m] 美 [næ'stɝʃəm]
  • n. 旱金莲,旱金莲属植物
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nasturtium 旱金莲


nasturtium: [17] The nasturtium plant has a peppery taste (its immature flower buds are often used as an alternative to capers), and tradition has it that the Romans named it nasturtium because its pungency made them pucker up their noses. According to this theory, the word is an alteration of an earlier *nāsitortium, which would have been a compound formed from nāsus ‘nose’ and tort-, the past participle stem of torquēre ‘twist’ (source of English torture).
nasturtium (n.)
mid-12c., "plant of the mustard family, like watercress," from Latin nasturtium "cress;" the popular etymology explanation of the name (Pliny) is that it is from Latin *nasitortium, literally "nose-twist," from nasus "nose" (see nose (n.)) + past participle of torquere "to twist" (see torque (n.)); the plant so called for its pungent odor. Modern application to a South American trailing plant with orange flowers first recorded 1704.
1. The little dressmaker bought an envelope of nasturtium seeds at the florists.


2. I wouldn't know a nasturtium if I saw one.


[ nasturtium 造句 ]