
英 [viːp] 美 [vip]
  • n. 美国副总统(等于Veepee)
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veep 副总统

来自首字母缩写词V.P发音,全称vice president.比较emcee,来自master of ceremony.

veep (n.)
1949, American English, apparently coined from V.P., abbreviation of vice president, perhaps modeled on jeep, which was then in vogue. Introduced by Alben W. Barkley (1877-1956), Harry Truman's vice president. According to the "Saturday Evening Post," "his grandchildren, finding Vice-President too long, call him that." The magazines quickly picked it up, especially when the 71-year-old Barkley married a 38-year-old widow (dubbed the Veepess).
Barkley says word "Veep" is not copyrighted, and any vice president who wants to can use it. But he hopes not many will. [U.S. Department of State wireless bulletin, 1949]
"Time," tongue in cheek, suggested the president should be Peep, the Secretary of State Steep, and the Secretary of Labor Sleep.
1. I want the whole National Security Council, including the President and Veep, to hear it.


2. Among Clinton's potential consolation prizes: the veep slot and absolution of her campaign debt.
希拉里的 “ 安慰奖”: 副总统的交椅还是竞选债务的免除?


3. The one on one with the boss is among a Veep's most coveted perks.


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