affableyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[affable 词源字典]
affable: [16] The Latin original of affable, affābilis, meant ‘easy to speak to’. It was formed from the verb āffārī ‘speak to’, which in turn was derived from the prefix ad- ‘to’ and fārī ‘speak’ (the source of fable, fame, and fate). It reached English via Old French affable.
=> fable, fame, fate[affable etymology, affable origin, 英语词源]
affable (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 15c., from Old French afable (14c.), from Latin affabilis "approachable, courteous, kind, friendly," literally "who can be (easily) spoken to," from affari "to speak to," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + fari "to speak," from PIE root *bha- (2) "to speak, tell, say" (see fame (n.)). Related: Affably.