mant (1)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[mant 词源字典]
"A fabric of a type originally made in Mantua; = Mantua. rare", Late 16th century.[mant etymology, mant origin, 英语词源]
mant (2)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"A stammer, a stutter; a speech impediment", Early 19th century; earliest use found in John Thomson (1765–1846), physician and surgeon. From mant.
mant (3)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"To stutter, to stammer; to have a speech impediment", Early 16th century. From Scottish Gaelic mannt lisp, stammer, cognate with Early Irish mant gum, Middle Welsh mant mouth, jaw, and probably more distantly cognate with classical Latin mentum chin.