radicate (1)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[radicate 词源字典]
" Botany . Having or growing from a root, especially as opposed to a rhizome; (of a fungus) having rootlike outgrowths at the base of the stipe", Late Middle English; earliest use found in Guy de Chauliac's Grande Chirurgie. From classical Latin rādīcātus, past participle of rādīcārī radicate.[radicate etymology, radicate origin, 英语词源]
radicate (2)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"To cause to take root; to plant or establish firmly (in something). Chiefly figurative", Mid 16th cent.; earliest use found in Thomas Elyot (c1490–1546), humanist and diplomat. From classical Latin rādīcāt-, past participial stem of rādīcārī to take root, in post-classical Latin also radicare to take root (Vetus Latina), to cause to take root, establish (Vulgate) from rādīc-, rādīx.