saneyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[sane 词源字典]
sane: [17] Latin sānus, a word of uncertain origin, meant ‘healthy’ – a connotation perpetuated in its derivative sanatorium ‘sickroom’ [19]. Its use with reference to mental rather than physical health (as in the Latin tag mēns sāna in corpore sāno ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body’) led to its adoption in English for ‘of sound mind, not mad’.
=> sanatorium, sanitary[sane etymology, sane origin, 英语词源]
sane (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1721, back-formation from sanity or else from Latin sanus "sound, healthy," in figurative or transferred use, "of sound mind, rational, sane," also, of style, "correct;" of uncertain origin. Used earlier, of the body, with the sense of "healthy" (1620s). Related: Sanely.