tousleyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[tousle 词源字典]
tousle: [15] Tousle was derived from an earlier touse ‘pull about, shake’ (probable source also of tussle [15]), which went back to an Old English *tūsian. Amongst its relatives is German zausen ‘tug, tousle’.
=> tussle[tousle etymology, tousle origin, 英语词源]
tousle (v.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"pull roughly, disorder, dishevel," mid-15c., frequentative of -tousen "handle or push about roughly," probably from an unrecorded Old English *tusian, from Proto-Germanic *tus- (cognates: Frisian tusen, Old High German erzusen, German zausen "to tug, pull, dishevel"); related to tease (v.). Related: Tousled; tousling.