词根词缀:hygieio-, hygiei-, hygio-, hygi-

【来源及含义】Greek: health, healthy, healthful, wholesome, sound [in body]

【相关词根词缀】 Related "health" word families and articles: Health: Index; Hygeia > hygiene > health; iatro-, -iatrician; salu-; sana-, sani-.

【同源单词】antihygienic, Hygeia, hygeian, hygeiolatry, hygeist, hygiastic

词根词缀:iatro-, iater-, -iatria, -iatric, -iatrician, -iatrics, -iatrist, -iatry; -iatricians, -iatrists, -iatries

【来源及含义】Greek: physician; heal, cure, treat; medical healing

【相关词根词缀】 Related "health" word families and articles: Health: Index; Hygeia > hygiene > health; salu-; sana-, sani-.

【同源单词】aceptiatrist, agrizoiatrist, agrizoiatry, amblyopiatrics, andriatry, aniatros


【来源及含义】Latin: greeting, good health; welfare, health

【相关词根词缀】 Related "health" word families and articles: Health: Index; Hygeia > hygiene > health; hygieio-, hygiei-; iatro-, -iatrician; sana-, sani-.

【同源单词】Ave, Morituri te salutamus, Per scientiam ad salutem publicam, salubrious, salubriously, salubriousness

词根词缀:sana-, sani-, san-

【来源及含义】Latin: healthy, whole; by extension: cure, heal, take care of; sound in mind and body

【相关词根词缀】 Related "health" word families and articles: Health: Index; Hygeia > hygiene > health; hygieio-, hygiei-; iatro-, -iatrician; salu-.

【同源单词】bradysanescent, desanimania, insane, insanely, insaneness, insanitariness