词根词缀:blepharo-, blephar-

【来源及含义】Greek: eyelid; of or pertaining to the eyelid[s] or eyelash[es]

【相关词根词缀】 Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; ocelli-; oculo-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.

【同源单词】ablepharia, ablepharon, ablepharous, ablephary, anchyloblepharon, ankyloblepharon

词根词缀:-ectomy, -ectome, -ectomize

【来源及含义】Greek: a suffix; cut, excise, surgical removal of

【相关词根词缀】 Related cutting-word units: cast-; castrat-; -cise, -cide; mutil-; put-; sec-, seg-; temno-; -tomy; trunc-.

【同源单词】abdominal hysterectomy, abdominal nephrectomy, abdominohysterectomy, acetabulectomy, acromionectomy, adenectomy

词根词缀:sphinctero-, sphincter-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: that which binds tightly, press together; band, lace; hence, muscle that closes an aperture of the body; a ringlike band of muscle fibers that constricts a passage or closes a natural orifice

【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, indirectly, or partially with: "opening, hole, cavity, tract, tube": alveolo-; antro-; anu-; celo-; coelio-; concho-; fenestra-; hernio-; hiat-; meato-; ora-; parieto-; poro-; pyl-, pyle-; pylor-; splanchn-; stomato-; syringo-; uretero-; urethro-; vagino-; ventricul-.

【同源单词】blepharosphincterectomy, electromyography of pelvic floor sphincter, lissosphincter, rhabdosphincter, sphincter, sphincteralgia