词根词缀:blepharo-, blephar-

【来源及含义】Greek: eyelid; of or pertaining to the eyelid[s] or eyelash[es]

【相关词根词缀】 Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; ocelli-; oculo-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.

【同源单词】ablepharia, ablepharon, ablepharous, ablephary, anchyloblepharon, ankyloblepharon

词根词缀:core-, coro-, cor-

【来源及含义】Greek: pupil of the eye; kore, literally, "girl" to mean both "doll" and "pupil of the eye"

【相关词根词缀】 Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; ocelli-; oculo-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.

【同源单词】acorea, anisocoria, asthenocoria, coreclisis, corectasis, corectome

词根词缀:corne-, corneo-

【来源及含义】Latin: horny, hornlike; horny [tissue] pertaining to the cornea, the horny transparent anterior portion of the external covering of the eyes

【相关词根词缀】 Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; core-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; ocelli-; oculo-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.

【同源单词】cornea, corneal, corneas, corneoblepharon, corneous, iridocorneosclerectomy

词根词缀:irido-, irid-, iri-, iris-

【来源及含义】Greek: iris [relating to the eye]; the rainbow; colored circle, colored portion of the eye [originally, "something bent or curved"]

【相关词根词缀】 Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; ocelli-; oculo-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.

【同源单词】iridaceous, iridadenosis, iridalgia, iridauxesis, iridectasis, iridectome

词根词缀:lenti-, lent-, lens-

【来源及含义】Latin: lens, lentil

【相关词根词缀】 Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenticulo-; ocelli-; oculo-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.

【同源单词】achromatic lens, acoustic lens, bifocal lens, compound lens, concavoconvex lens, lens

词根词缀:lenticulo-, lenticul-

【来源及含义】Latin: lentil-shaped, lentil; a term later used to refer to "the lentil-shaped lens of the eye"

【相关词根词缀】 Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; ocelli-; oculo-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.

【同源单词】capsulolenticular, capsulolenticular cataract, caudatolenticular, concave lenticular, intralenticular, lenticula

词根词缀:ocelli-, ocell-

【来源及含义】Latin: "little eye", a diminutive of oculus, "eye"; spotted, dotted; as if with tiny eyes

【相关词根词缀】 Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; oculo-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.

【同源单词】biocellate, ocellar, ocellary, ocellate, ocellated turkey, ocellated

词根词缀:oculo-, ocul-

【来源及含义】Latin: eye[s]; sight

【相关词根词缀】 Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; ocelli-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.

【同源单词】ad oculos, Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, antler, autoinoculation, binocle, binocular

词根词缀:ophthalmo-, ophthalm-, -ophthalmia, -ophthalmic, -ophthalmos

【来源及含义】Greek: eye; sight

【相关词根词缀】 Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; ocelli-; oculo-; op-, -optic; phaco-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.

【同源单词】anophthalmia, arteria ophthalmica, autoophthalmoscope, autoophthalmoscopy, binophthalmoscope, calyculus ophthalmicus

词根词缀:phaco-, phac-, phako-, phak-

【来源及含义】Greek: lentil [bean]; lens of the eye

【相关描述】So called because the lens of the eye resembles a lentil bean in appearance or shape.

【相关词根词缀】 Related references to "eye" or "eye part" word families: blepharo-; core-; corneo-; eye, eyes; irido-; lenti-, lens-; lenticulo-; ocelli-; oculo-; op-, -optic; ophthalmo-; pupillo-; retino-; uveo-.

【同源单词】angiophakomatosis, erysiphake, ophthalmometer, ophthalmophacometer, phacoanaphylactic uveitis, phacoanaphylaxis