
【来源及含义】Latin: diviner, soothsayer; a member of the college of priests in Rome, who foretold the future; in ancient Rome, a priest who foretold events by interpreting omens

【相关描述】Related to augerer, "to increase".

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "divination, diviner; seer, soothsayer, prophecy, prophesy, prophet": auspic-; fa-, fate; Fates in action; futur-; -mancy; omen; -phemia; sorc-, sorcery; vati-.

【同源单词】auger, augur, augural, augurate, auguration, augured

词根词缀:auspic-, auspec-

【来源及含义】Latin: to look, to observe in order to make a prediction; to see omens; from auspex [genitive form auspicis] avi-, stem of avis, "bird" plus -spex, "observer", from specere

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "divination, diviner; seer, soothsayer, prophecy, prophesy, prophet": augur-; fa-, fate; Fates in action; futur-; -mancy; omen; -phemia; sorc-, sorcery; vati-. A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "chance, luck, fate": aleato-; cad-; fortu-; -mancy; serendipity; sorc-; temer-; tycho-.

【同源单词】auspex, auspicate, auspicately, auspication, auspicator, auspicatory

词根词缀:fa-, fam-, fan-, fant-, fat-, -fess; fab-, fabul-

【来源及含义】Latin: fari-, "to say, to talk"; telling, speak, say, spoken about; acknowledge

【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.": cit-; clam-; dic-; -farious; glosso-; glotto-; lalo-; linguo-; locu-; logo-; loqu-; mythico-; -ology; ora-; -phasia; -phemia; phon-; phras-; Quotes: Language,Part 1; Quotes: Language, Part 2; Quotes: Language, Part 3; serm-; tongue; voc-. Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "divination, diviner; seer, soothsayer, prophecy, prophesy, prophet": augur-; auspic-; Fates in action; futur-; -mancy; omen; -phemia; sorc-, sorcery; vati-.

【同源单词】affability, affable, affableness, affably, confabulate, confabulation


【来源及含义】Latin > French: to be, about to be; future

【相关描述】From Old French futur, from Latin futurus, "about to be". The noun is modeled on Latin futura, neuter plural of futurus.

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "divination, diviner; seer, soothsayer, prophecy, prophesy, prophet": augur-; auspic-; fa-, fate; Fates in action; -mancy; omen; -phemia; sorc-, sorcery; vati-.

【同源单词】Clavis ad futura, futurable, futurama, future, future, future history

词根词缀:-mancy, -mancer, -mantic, -mantical

【来源及含义】Greek: used as a suffix; divination, prophecy, fortune telling; to interpret signs so “practical” decisions can be made [related to -mania]

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "divination, diviner; seer, soothsayer, prophecy, prophesy, prophet": augur-; auspic-; fa-, fate; Fates in action; futur-; omen; -phemia; sorc-, sorcery; vati-. A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "chance, luck, fate": aleato-; auspic-; cad-; fortu-; serendipity; sorc; temer-; tycho-.

【同源单词】abacomancy, acutomancia, adiathermancy, adryomancy, aeluromancy, aeromancy

词根词缀:-phemia, -phemic, -phemism, -pheme, -phemy

【来源及含义】Greek: speak, talk; speech

【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.": cit-; clam-; dic-; fa-; -farious; glosso-; glotto-; lalo-; linguo-; locu-; logo-; loqu-; mythico-; -ology; ora-; -phasia; phon-; phras-; Quotes: Language,Part 1; Quotes: Language, Part 2; Quotes: Language, Part 3; serm-; tongue; voc-. Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "divination, diviner; seer, soothsayer, prophecy, prophesy, prophet": augur-; auspic-; fa-, fate; Fates in action; futur-; -mancy; omen; sorc-, sorcery; vati-.

【同源单词】allophemia, allophemy, aphemesthesia, aphemia, aphemic, ataxiophemia


【来源及含义】from Latin vates, seer, prophet; sooth-sayer; prophesy, prophecy; which should not be confused with Vatican, "Pope's palace in Rome" or Vaticanism, "doctrine of papal supremacy and infallibility"

【相关词根词缀】 Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "divination, diviner; seer, soothsayer, prophecy, prophesy, prophet": augur-; auspic-; fa-, fate; Fates in action; futur-; -mancy; omen; -phemia; sorc-, sorcery.

【同源单词】vatic, vatical, vaticide, vaticinal, vaticinate, vaticination