
英 [draɪv] 美 [draɪv]
  • vi. 开车;猛击;飞跑
  • vt. 推动,发动(机器等);驾驶(马车,汽车等);驱赶
  • n. 驱动器;驾车;[心理] 内驱力,推进力;快车道
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drive 驾驶

来自PIE*dhreibh, 推,词源同drift. 原义为从后面推,后用于驾驶汽车等。

drive: [OE] As far as is known, drive is an exclusively Germanic word. It and its relatives German treiben, Dutch drijven, Swedish driva, Danish drive, and Gothic dreiban point to a prehistoric Germanic ancestor *drīban. Its base also produced English drift and drove [OE]. The central modern sense of drive, ‘drive a car’, comes from the earlier notion of driving a horse, ox, etc by pushing it, whipping it, etc from behind, forcing it onwards, but in most other modern European languages the verb for ‘driving a vehicle’ denotes basically ‘leading’ or ‘guiding’ (French conduire, for example, or German lenken).
=> drift, drove
drive (n.)
1690s, "act of driving," from drive (v.). Meaning "excursion by vehicle" is from 1785. Golfing sense of "forcible blow" is from 1836. Meaning "organized effort to raise money" is 1889, American English. Sense of "dynamism" is from 1908. In the computing sense, first attested 1963.
drive (v.)
Old English drifan "to drive, force, hunt, pursue; rush against" (class I strong verb; past tense draf, past participle drifen), from Proto-Germanic *driban (cognates: Old Frisian driva, Old Saxon driban, Dutch drijven, Old High German triban, German treiben, Old Norse drifa, Gothic dreiban "to drive"), from PIE root *dhreibh- "to drive, push." Original sense of "pushing from behind," altered in Modern English by application to automobiles. Related: Driving.
MILLER: "The more you drive, the less intelligent you are." ["Repo Man," 1984]
1. I don't drive and the buses are quite hopeless.


2. There are certain things he does that drive me mad.


3. The ANC is about to launch a nationwide recruitment drive.


4. Laura let out the clutch and pulled slowly away down the drive.


5. The President had his plane waiting, 20 minutes' drive away.


[ drive 造句 ]